Streamlet bubling bye

Flowrets sleeps within their hoods
Daisys button into buds
From soiling dew the butter cup
Shuts his golden jewels up
& the Rose & wood bine they
Wait again the smiles of day
Neath the willows wavy boughs
Nelly singing milks her cows
While the streamlet bubling bye
Joins in murmuring melody

#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Rude rags of nature

Swamps of wild rush beds & sloughs squashy traces
Grounds of rough fallows wi thistle & weed
Flats & low vallies of king cups & daiseys
Sweetest of subjects are ye for my reed

Ye commons left free in the rude rags of nature
Ye brown heaths be cloathed in furze as ye be
My wild eye in rapture adores e'ery feature
Yere as dear as this heart in my bosom to me

#photography #poetry #environment

That map of boyhood overcast


After long abscence how the mind recalls
Pleasing associations of the past
Haunts of his youth—thorn hedges & old walls
& hollow trees that sheltered from the blast
& all that map of boyhood overcast
With glooms & wrongs & sorrows not his own
That oer his brow like the scathed lightening past
That turned his spring to winter & alone
Wrecked name & fame & all—to solitude unknown

#photography #poetry #environment

Against ale (?)

The parson may preach
Against ale, and beseech
His church folks to head no such liquor
But in neat sanded rooms
With young girls in their blooms
Pray who'd ever think of the vicar?
Then leave that dull dunce
Let's have sandwich for lunch
And pull at the tankard or pitcher

#photography #poetry #environment

In glory run


The scattered clouds lie calm and still,
And day throws gold on every hill;
Their thousand heads in glory run,
As each were worlds and owned a sun.
The rime it clings to everything,
It beards the early buds of spring;
The mossy pales, the orchard spray,
Are feathered with its silver-grey.

#photography #poetry #environment

Loving thee

To words vain words no power is given

The torments of my soul to tell

I slept & had a dream of heavn

I woke & felt the pangs of hell

Yet I woud not forget thee – No!

Tho thou had witherd hope in me

Nor for a world of joys forego

The one sweet joy of loving thee

#photography #poetry #environment

Tracing the lane path


O simple nature how I do delight
To pause upon thy trifles—foolish things
So some woud call em—on the summer night
Tracing the lane path where the dog rose hings
Wi dew drops seathd while chickering cricket sings
My eye cant help but glance upon its leaves
Where loves warm beauty steals her sweetest blush
When sweet the while the even silence heaves
Her pausing breath just trembling thro the bush

#photography #poetry #environment

Their very nakedness I love

I love thee nature in my inmost heart

Go where I will thy truth seems from above
Go where I will thy landscape forms a part
Of heaven—e'en these fens where wood nor grove
Are seen—their very nakedness I love
For one dwells nigh that secret hopes prefer
Above the race of women—like the dove
I mourn her abscence—fate that would deter
My hate for all things—strengthens love for her

#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd


Sukey's rare and Sukey's fair
Sukey's got the coal black hair
And in her neck the curl'd drakes tail
That makes her looks so very fine
And in her breast this heart of mine
That keeps me like a thief in jail
Which is so very fair and white
It keeps me waken half the night

#photography #poetry #environment
[Image: One of Lady Clementina Hawarden's lovely daughters, photographed around 1860]

Perfuming the garden of life

O woman sweet witchingly woman 
Amid the worlds bustle & strife 
Thourt the only sweet blossom thats blooming 
Perfuming the garden of life 
Thourt the only pure fountain thats given 
From whence all true pleasures doth flow 
The angels are unknowns of heaven 
But womans real angels below 

#photography #poetry #environment


And oft the shepherd in his path will spye

The little daisey in the wet grass lye
That to the peeping sun enlivens gay
Like Labour smiling on an holiday
And where the stunt bank fronts the southern sky
By lanes or brooks where sunbeams love to lye

#photography #poetry #environment

Unbidden they are gone

Summers pleasures they are gone like to visions every one

& the cloudy days of autumn & of winter cometh on
I tried to call them back but unbidden they are gone
Far away from heart & eye & forever far away
Where silence sitteth now on the wild heath as her own
Like a ruin of the past all alone

#photography #poetry #environment

Showy corn poppies

The partridge whirs up frit away from her nest 
& the hare with the morning dew yet on her breast 
Jumps away from his hustle & bustle & noise 
Which he makes in the midst of his rapture & joys
Now singing & tearing up weeds of all sorts 
Showy corn poppys shining like foxhunters coats 
& bluecaps & cockleflowers no matter what 
To make a gay garland to stick in his hat 
& now he struts out what a gesture he wears 
As proud of his colours as soldiers of theirs

#photography #poetry #environment

Poppies from my wildflower meadow


I went in the fields with the leisure I got

The stranger might smile but I heeded him not
The hovel was ready to screen from a shower
& the book in my pocket was read in an hour
The bird came for shelter but soon flew away
The horse came to look & seemed happy to stay
He stood up in quiet & hung down his head
& seemed to be hearing the poem I read

#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd

My illness was love

I peeled bits o straws and I got switches too
From the grey peeling willow as idlers do
And I switched at the flies as I sat all alone
Till my flesh, blood & marrow wasted to the dry bone;
My illness was love though I knew not the smart
But the beauty o love was the blood o my heart

#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Willows over a stream on Dartmoor

Reveal the day

No single hour can stand for nought
No moment hand can move
But calenders a aching thought
Of my first lonely love
Where silence doth the loudest call
My secrets to betray
As moonlight holds the night in thrall
As suns reveal the day

#photography #poetry #environment