The thistldown’s flying

The thistledown's flying, though the winds are all still, 

On the green grass now lying, now mounting the hill, 
The spring from the fountain now boils like a pot; 
Through stones past the counting it bubbles red-hot. 

The ground parched and cracked is like overbaked bread, 
The greensward all wracked is, bents dried up and dead.  
The fallow fields glitter like water indeed, 
And gossamers twitter, flung from weed unto weed. 

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

In bracken glen

Bard of the wild flowers
Rain washed & wind shaken
Dear to thee was mild showers
& heaths o' green bracan
The song o' the wild bird
Than nothing seemed dearer

The low o' the mild herd
& sheep bleating nearer
Bard o' the sheep pen
The stack yard & stable
The hovel in bracken glen
Where a stone makes a table

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

Heavens archway

The lightenings vivid flashes—rend the cloud
That rides like castled crags along the sky
& splinters them to fragments—while aloud
The thunders heavens artillery vollies bye
Trees crash, earth trembles—beast prepare to flye
Almighty what a crash—yet man is free
& walks unhurt while danger seems so nigh— 
Heavens archway now the rainbow seems to be
That spans the eternal round of earth & sky & sea

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

Universal ecstasy

Go where I will, naught but delight is seen;

The blue and luscious sky is one broad gleam
Of universal ecstasy; the green,
Rich, sweeping meadows and the laughing stream,
As sweet as happiness on heaven's breast,
Lie listening to the never-ceasing song
That day or night ne'er wearies into rest
But hums unceasingly the summer long.

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

A storm encroaches

At distance from the waters edge
On hanging thorn boughs farthest stretch
The more hen 'gins her nest of sedge
Safe from destroying boys to reach
Fen sparrows chirp & flye to fetch
The witherd reed down rustling nigh
& by the sunny side the ditch
Prepare their dwelling warm & dry
Again a storm encroaches round
Thick clouds are dark'ning deep behind
& thro the arches hoarsley sound
The risings of the hollow wind

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd