Cold and chill

By Langley Bush I roam, but the bush hath left its hill,

On Cowper Green I stray, tis a desert strange and chill,
And the spreading Lea Close oak, ere decay had penned its will,
To the axe of the spoiler and self-interest fell a prey,
And Crossberry Way and old Round Oak's narrow lane
With its hollow trees like pulpits I shall never see again,
Enclosure like a Buonaparte let not a thing remain,
It levelled every bush and tree and levelled every hill
And hung the moles for traitors--though the brook is running still
It runs a sicker brook, cold and chill.

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#photography #poetry #environment

Lawless floods

In solitudes where no frequented paths

But what thine own foot makes betray thine home
Stealing obtrusive there
To meditate thy end

& meadow pools torn wide by lawless floods
Where waterlilies spread their oily leaves
On which as wont the fly
Oft battens in the sun

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

Deliciousness of solitude

 Now almost hid in trees a little gate
 Cheats us into the darkness of the wood 
 We almost think the day is wearing late 
 So dreamy is the light that dwells around 
 & so refreshing is its sombre mood 
 We feel at once shut out from sun & sky 
 All the deliciousness of solitude 
 While sauntering noisless oer the leafy ground 

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#photography #poetry #environment

from October

Crows from the oak trees qawking as they spring 
Dashing the acorns down wi beating wing
Waking the woodlands sleep in noises low
Pattring on crimpt brakes withering brown below
While from their hollow nest the squirrels (pop)
A down the tree to pick them as they drop
The  starnel crowds that dim the muddy light
The crows and jackdaws flapping home at night

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Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd

Solitude in cities

Abscence in love is worse than any fate

Summer is winter’s desert & the spring
Is like a ruined city desolate
Joy dies & hope retires on feeble wing
Nature sinks heedless — birds unheeded sing
‘Tis solitude in cities — crowds all move
Like living death — though all to life still cling
The strongest bitterest thing that life can prove
Is womans undisguise of hate & love

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Wild sorceress

Wild sorceress me thy restless mood delights

More than the stir of summers crowded scenes
Where jostled in the din
Joy palled my ear with song
Heart-sickening for the silence that is thine
Not broken inharmoniously as now
That lone & vagrant bee
Booms faint with weary chime

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#photography #poetry #environment

So snugly dry

O happy couple happy pair
Your little cottage fills mine eye
With longing wishes to be there
From wind & rain so snugly dry
But other scenes suround thy spot
Scenes in childhood vallued dear
Nor shall they ever be forgot
While life remains—or hope can cheer

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd