Leaning dotterel head

Flags in the dykes are bleached & brown
Docks by its sides are dry & dead
All but the ivy bows are brown
Upon each leaning dotterels head
Crimsoned with awes the awthorns bend
Oer meadow dykes & rising floods
The wild geese seek the reedy fen
& dark the storm comes oer the woods

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#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #AnnieLee

Poets see & understand

There is music without ere a bird
There is bloom without ere a flower
For eolean winds we oft have heard
& the grass blooms fresher every hour
The very rushes seem as flowers
That nod above the marshy grass
Through which the winds in summer hours
Whistle & winnow as they pass
The lark may leave the new ploughed land
& settle in another place
Yet poets see & understand
Sweet music in its russet face

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd

These motley scenes

Now Autumns come adieu the pleasing greens

The charming landscape & the flowry plain
All have deserted from these motley scenes
With blighted yellow tingd & russet stain

Though desolation seems to triumph here
Yet this is Spring to what we still shall find
The trees must all in nakedness appear
'Reft of their foliage by the blustiy wind

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#poetry #environment

Deepening dye

The sinken sun is takin leave
& sweetly gilds the edge of eve
While purple [clouds] of deepening dye
Huddling hang the western skye
Crows crowd quaking oever head
Hastening to the woods to bed
Cooing sits the lonly dove
Calling home her abscent love

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#poetry #environment

Truth & Honesty

Been thinking again about how ordinary folk across the world have been let down again and again by our so-called 'leaders'.  A few years ago I uncovered and published this poem by the Romantic poet John Clare, written around 1827.  Does it not speak to us in 2024?

‘Gold is a general purchaser – buys all
‘From the high altar, palace, bench & hall
‘Down to the humble cottage hut or stall
‘Buys smiles or tears melts eyes or drys 'em – gold
‘Like Esops satire buys breath hot and cold
‘Makes out all wants & all defects supplies
‘Een the old wrinkled hag young courtier buys
‘Buys knaves an office traitors power & trust
‘High & low fliers bought with shining dust
‘Buys villany a mask hypocrisy paint
‘Buys inside devil the out side face o’ saint
‘Buys tyrants champions – cut throats, caps & knees
‘Buys lies & oaths, buys souls & consiences
‘What is it which that tempting ore cant buy
‘Buys everything but truth & honesty

Fen sparrows chirp

At distance from the waters edge
On hanging thorn boughs farthest stretch
The more hen 'gins her nest of sedge
Safe from destroying boys to reach
Fen sparrows chirp & flye to fetch 
The witherd reed down rustling nigh
& by the sunny side the ditch
Prepare their dwelling warm & dry

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd

Tell my love

Can you ye breezes oaks or streem
Can you in thought in form or dream
A lovers herald prove
They wisper yes O precious scenes
I love your shades of various greens
Go truly tell my love
& first this flower shall be addrest
Perhaps the first by B[etse]y prest
When hither she does rove
O charming flower if ever she
Should press the velvet leaves like me
Neer fail to tell my love

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#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Moonlights infant hour

O how sweet I cannot tell
With thee at that hour to dwell
Peace & silence sits wi thee
& peace alone is heaven to me
While the moonlights infant hour
Faint gins creep to gild the bower
& the wattld hedge gleams round
Its diamond shadows oer the ground
O thou soothing solitude 

Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings. 
#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd