Summer suns

Cheerd by the rural objects as we pass
To were trees shadows keepeth green the grass
Checking intrusions of the summer suns
There drop us down close were the river runs
In sight of rural sounds & pleasing strife
That warms the laughing landscape into life
& while in cheerfull mirth as we prepare
Our sporting things & bait our angles there
With flye or fish of artificial forms
To shun the anguish of the wreathing worms

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment

Can I carry your books?

O throw aside those carless ways

My conscous heart to move
Affected anger but betrays
Suspicous doubts of love
That face were frowns at will can dwell
Were cold deciet beguiles
May just as easy & as well
Dissemble while it smiles
Tis cruel when false smiles betrays
The heart into a snare
But crueler when slighting ways
Turns pleasures to despair

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment

Helpston in 1830

On the 24th July 1830 Sophia was born to Patty and John - the family then consisted then of 6 children, Anna (10), Eliza (8 ), Freddy (6) John (4), William (2), and baby Sophia. Grandfather Parker (70) and Ann (66) made up the crowded household of 10 all living in the tenement in Woodgate (a quarter of what is now called ‘Clare Cottage’). What a struggle it must have been, seeking to support such a family.

When with our little ones we spent
Each Sunday after tea,
And up the wood's dark side we went
Or pasture's rushy lea,
To look among the woodland boughs
To find the bird's retreat,
Or crop the cowslip for the cows;
Then sat to rest the little feet
In many a pleasant place,
And see the lambs, who tried to bleat,
Come first in every race,
Then laugh'd the children's joys to view,
Who ran across the lea
At birds that from the rushes flew,
And many a wandering bee.

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment

Spirit of the woods

Spirit of the woods awake
In thy wildest dress appear
Trace with me the curdled brake
Sound thy wildness in my ear
Genius of the woods that dwells
Sweeping boughs & grains among
As I climb thy rough rude dells
Breath thy roughness in my song

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment


Image by my friend #AnnieLee

The old fox

He lay upon the furrow stretched for dead,

The old dog lay and licked the wounds that bled,
The ploughman beat him till his ribs would crack,
And then the shepherd slung him at his back;
And when he rested, to his dog's surprise,
The old fox started from his dead disguise;
And while the dog lay panting in the sedge
He up and snapt and bolted through the hedge.

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment


Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd


O england boasted land of liberty 
Wi strangers still thou mayst thy title own 
But thy poor slaves the alteration see 
Wi many a loss to them the truth is known 
Like emigrating bird thy freedoms flown 
While mongrel clowns low as their rooting plough 
Disdain thy laws to put in force their own 
& every village owns its tyrants now 
& parish slaves must live as parish kings alow

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment


Image by my friend #AnnieLee 

Tracking fields

Now tracking fields where passenger appears 
As wading to his waist in crowding grain 
Where ever as we pass the bending ears 
Pat at our sides & gain their place again 
Then crooked stile with little steps that aids 
The climbing meets us—& the pleasant grass 
& hedgrows old with arbours ready made 
For weariness to rest in pleasant shades 

Daily #JohnClare postings. 

#photography #poetry #environment