Mossy walls

The weed-based arches walls that stride
Oer where the meadow water falls
Will turn thee from thy path aside
To gaze upon the mossy walls
& limpid brook that leaps along
Gilt with the summers burnished gleam
Will stop thy little tale or song
To gaze upon its crimping stream

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Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Freedom won

The sheep & cows were free to range as then
Where change might prompt nor felt the bonds of men
Cows went & came with every morn and night
To the wild pasture as their common right
& sheep unfolded with the rising sun
Heard the swains shout & felt their freedom won

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Image by my friend #JohnAbbott

Window sill

I lean upon the window sill
The trees &.summer happy seem
Green sunny green they shine but still
My heart goes far away to dream
Of happiness & thoughts arise
With home-bred pictures many a one
Green lanes that shut out burning skies
& old crookd stiles to rest upon

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Wild flowers that dance

& has the springs all glorious eye
No lesson to the mind
The birds that cleave the golden sky
Things to the earth resigned
Wild flowers that dance to every wind
Do they no memory leave behind
Aye flowers the very name of flowers
That bloom in wood & glen
Bring spring to me in winter hours
& childhoods dreams again

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Image by my friend #RachelBurch

A heritage of happiness

I cant contain myself in summers prime 
Tuneless I hum my wonder songs into rhyme 
Mere scraps of what I think or feel or see 
Whil[e] sauntering narrow lanes – they are to me 
A heritage of happiness & yields 
Peace & calm joy from the refreshing fields 

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Clare meets Patty who became his wife.

Where are you going lovely maid
The morning fine & early
Im going to Walkerd Sir she said
& made accross the barley
Her neck a thumb & finger span
Her bosom swelling over
Her waist was half the vulgar kind
An armful for a lover

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The ale house

& when the night draws on each mirthfull lout 
The ale house seeks & sets it in a roar 
& there while fidlers play they rant about 
& call for brimming tankards froathing oer 
For 'bacco smoke yed hardly see the door 
No stint they make of 'bacco & of beer 
While money lasts they shout about for more 
Resolvd to keep it merry when its here

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I love the muse

I love the verse that mild & bland

Breathes of green fields & open sky
I love the muse that in her hand
Bears flowers of native poesy
Who walks nor skips the pasture brook
In scorn but by the drinking horse
Leans o'er its little brig to look
How far the sallows lean across.

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The sun unveils his smiles

Soon as the twilight through the distant mist

In silver hemmings skirts the purple east
Ere yet the sun unveils his smiles to view
& dries the mornings chilly robes of dew
Young Hodge the horse-boy with a soodly gait
Slow climbs the stile or opes the creaky gate,
With willow switch & halter by his side
Prepared for Dobbin whom he means to ride

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Thy rifted trunk

A path old tree 
goes by thee crooking on
& through this little gate that claps and bangs
Against thy rifted trunk what steps hath gone
Though but a lonely way yet mystery hangs
Oer crowds of pastoral scenes recordless here
The boy might climb the nest in thy young boughs
Thats slept half an eternity in fear

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“Tootle tootle tootle tee"

Can it be
Pride and fame must shadows be
Come and see --
Every season own her own
Bird and bee
Sing creation's music on
Nature's glee
Is in every mood and tone

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Narrow lane

I walk adown the narrow lane,

The nightingale is singing now,
But like to me she seems at loss
For Royce Wood and its shielding bough.
I lean upon the window sill,
The trees and summer happy seem;
Green, sunny green they shine, but still
My heart goes far away to dream.

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Warm gorse blossoms

The sharp wind shivers in the warm gorse blossoms 
& trembles in the dead grass o'er the heath
The silver rain pearls in the wild flowers bosoms 
& moistens minute flowers of moss beneath
There i' the morning dew I early ramble
What time beneath the fern the weary moth
Hides from the sun in dew drops hangs the bramble
As down the rabbit track I venture forth

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Azure bluebells

Of too much value for the clown who sung

The azure bluebells in their sapphire stems
Among green bushes low their mute bells hung
These seemed loves modest maidens dew bestrung
With blebs o' mornings glittering pearls
I loved them in the valleys where I sung

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#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Sunshiny May

I think when the glad shepherd lay

On the velvet sward stretched for a bed
On the bosom of sunshiny May
While a hillock supported his head
I think when in meeting the maid
Made choice of a hill for her seat
When the winds so deliciously played
In her curls 'mid her blushes so sweet

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Each hated track

So when the Traveller uncertain roams

On lost roads leading every where but home
Each vain desire that leaves his heart in pain
Each fruitless hope to cherish it in vain
Each hated track so slowly left behind
Makes for the home which night denies to find
& every wish that leaves the aching breast
Flies to the spot where all its wishes rest

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The mossy wall

Tho floods of winter bustling fall
Adown the arches bleak & blea
Tho snow storms cloath the mossy wall
& hourly whiten oer the lea
Yet when from clouds the sun is free
& warms the learning bird to sing
Neath sloping bank or sheltering tree  
Tis sweet to watch the creeping spring

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Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Smiling in sunshine

Smiling in sunshine as the storm frowns by
Whose dreadful rage seems to thy quiet thrall
As small birds twitterings that beneath thee fly
Winds call aloud & they may louder call
For deaf to dangers voice sublime & grand
Thou towerst in thy old majesty oer all
Tempests that break the tall masts like a wand
Howl their rage weary round thee & no more

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Greenwood side path

I wandered down a green wood side
On Sunday noon in spring
Where little birds their dwellings hide
& Thrushes sweetly sing
The moss so green round Hazel roots
The Primrose by its side
That in its brimstone livery shoots
In bunches far and wide

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Solitary oak

Old noted oak I saw thee in a mood 
Of vague indifference—& yet with me 
Thy memory like thy fate hath lingering stood 
Like an old hermit in the lonely sea 
Of grass that waves around thee—Solitude

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Old tree thou art witherd

Old tree thou art witherd—last year I did pass 
The black bird snug hid in thy branches did sing
Thy shadow stretcht dark oer the green sprouting grass 
& thou wert as green as thy mates of the spring 
How alterd sin then not a leaf hast thou got 
Thy honours brown round thee that cloathed the tree 
The clown passeth by thee & heedeth it not 
But thourt a warm source of reflection for me

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Dance & play

The birds are gone to bed the cows are still
& sheep lie panting on each old molehill
& underneath the willows grey-green bough
Like toil a resting—lies the fallow plough
The timid hares throw daylight fears away
On the lane road to dust & dance & play
Then dabble in the grain by nought deterred
To lick the dew fall from the barleys beard

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Thou flower of spring

It does me good thou flower of spring
Thy blossoms to behold
Thou bloom'st when birds begin to sing
In purple and in gold
Along the garden-beds so neat
Thy flowers their blooms display
When sparrows chirp & lambkins bleat
& hopes look up for May

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     O how sweet I cannot tell
    With thee at that hour to dwell
    Stretchd the mossy bank beside
    Lye to view the random tide
    Where no clowns has chopt from thence
    Bush nor stake to mend his fence
    Cornerd stones & pebbles round
    Breaking dasht wi mellow sound
    Wether this or that to see
    I am blest if Im wi thee

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#photography #poetry #environment

Cows went & came

Cows went & came with every morn & night

To the wild pasture as their common right
& sheep unfolded with the rising sun
Heard the swains shout & felt their freedom won
Tracked the red fallow field & heath & plain
Or sought the brook to drink & roamed again
While the glad shepherd traced their tracks along
Free as the lark & happy as her song

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#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #JohnAbbott

The spring head

Therefore leave the shadeles goss
Seek the spring head lin'd with moss
There your little feet may stand
Safely on the printing sand
While in full poss[ess]ion where
Purling eddies ripple clear
You with ease and plenty blest
Sip the coolest and the best
Then away and wet your throats
Cheer me with your warbling notes

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#photography #poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

Crookd pads

Where the oak plank crosst the stream 
Which the early rising lass
Climbs each morn wi gathering cream
Crookd pads tracking thro the grass
There where willows hing their boughs
Briars & black thorns formd a bower
Stunted thick from sheep & cows
There I stood to shun the shower

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Bluebells again…

Where I plucked thee the bluebell,

'T was where the night dew fell,
And rested till morn in the cups of the flowers;
I shook the sweet posies,
Bluebells and brere roses,
As we sat in cool shade in Summer's warm hours.

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Midnight brooding

When nights last hours like haunting spirits creep
With listning terrors round the couch of sleep
& midnight brooding with its deepest dye
Seizes on fear with dismal sympathy
I dreamd a dream of somthing kin to fate
Which superst[it]ions blackest thoughts create
Something half natural to the grave that seems
Which deaths long trance of slumber aptly dreams

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Glittering pearls

I loved & wooed them in the field like gems
Of two much value for the clown who sung
The azure bluebells in their sapphire stems
Among green bushes low their mute bells hung
These seemed loves modest maidens dew bestrung
With blebs o' mornings glittering pearls
I loved them in the vallys where I sung
With their green drapery & crispy curls

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Weedling wild

The hawthorns here were hung with may

But still they seem in deader green
The sun e'en seems to lose its way
Nor knows the quarter it is in
I dwell on trifles like a child
I feel as ill becomes a man
& still my thoughts like weedlings wild
Grow up to blossom where they can

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