O thou mysterious past...

O thou mysterious past from time set free
What hopes joys fears lye buried under thee
The very winds that passed where thou didst dwell
& clouds slow sailing oer that happy dell
Where charged with idle messages of sighs
& anxious wishes of my gazing eyes
When ere thou wandered out at evenings hour
My heart was jealous of each happy flower
I thought they crowded in thy pleasant ways
To woo thy beauty & to win thy praise
I thought the folding star with eager climb
Gained evenings twilight arch before her time
& moons more soon than they were wont to be
Shone out on purpose to be found by thee

Pet MS A42 p103
Unpublished Sonnet

[Image: Mike Hobson]


Anonymous said...

It is beautiful roger. do you know when it was written? Northborough? Later? mike

Arborfield said...

Difficult to be exact Mike, but likely before 1830 from internal evidence in the manuscript.