Thrice Welcome to thy song sweet warbling thrush

(A sonnet)
Thrice Welcome to thy song sweet warbling thrush
May you be happy as you still have been
The present sunshine warms your covert bush
The future clouds you know not what they mean
Vain foolish thought & why should ye be sad
Why be like me with ills to come oprest
To pass the present bliss that may be had
& wait on sorrow as a welcome guest
No sing thou on & let me sorrow still
I cant be happy be it as it will
In vain the sun gleams thro the prison grate
To cheer the felon thats condemnd to dye
His soul in anguish mourns impending fate
Such pains are his & such a one am I
The Early Poems of John Clare 1804-1822
ed. Eric Robinson, David Powell and Margaret Grainger
(Oxford, 2 volumes, I-II, 1989)

John Clare’s Journal (9th May 1825) :
Wrote another portion of my Life & took a Walk to seek a Nightingales nest.  Found a Song thrush’s in bushy close by the side of a young oak with 4 eggs.  Never saw one of this kind in such a place before.


Jay Mandeville said...

I awoke early today after a dream about a wonderful healing lady bookseller who was also a spirit guide leading me to a life of bliss with her team of booksellers & helping me preserve my collection of wonderful volumes for all to enjoy. When I first fired up my phone it was already on your page somehow where this poem resides although I have no memory of going to or arriving here where it is. I love every word & Clare's message of joy even in adversity unto death. Thanks for this!

Jay Mandeville said...

I awoke early after a wonderful dream about a wonderful lady bookseller who was also a spirit guide & she laid healing hands upon me & reassured me that she & her team of lady booksellers would surround me & help me preserve my lifetime collection of wonderful volumes. When I opened up my phone it was already on the page where this poem by Clare about joy even in adversity resides, even though I had no memory of going there beforehand. What a way to start the day!