Where by the suns allcheering influence
Walltrees should flourish in a spreading row
& Peach & Pear in ruddy lustre glow
A five foot bed should follow from the wall
To look compleat or save the trees withall
On which small seeds for sallading Id sow
While curl-leaf Parsley should for edges grow
My Garden in four quarters Id divide
To show good taste & not a gaudy pride
In this the middle walk should be the best
Being more to sight exposed than the rest
At whose southend a harbor should be made
So well belovd in summer for its shade:
For this the rose woud do or jessamine
With virginbower or the sweet woodbine
Each one of these woud form exactly well
A compleat harbor both for
shade or smell
Here woud I sit when leisure did agree
To view the pride of summer scenery
Here woud I sit when leisure did agree
To view the pride of summer scenery
Pet MS C2 p63-6
EP I 46-50
(Unpublished elsewhere)
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